Sam's Favorite Links



KEITH CRONIN Musician & Writer. Very creative drummer, played a number of gigs with me in the 70’s.
G.G. PELLETIER Tenor saxophone, composer. Plays in the Sam Crain Quartet, and has played in bands with me(his, mine and others’)for about 3 decades now.
FRANK ZAPPA One of my all-time-favorite musicians. This is a ‘Quote-of-the-day’ site, so you get a daily sampling of his wit.
JESSE VAN RULLER GREAT young guitarist from The Netherlands.
DAVID HOFFMAN Trumpet, piano, composer. Terrific musician and good friend.
ASTRAL PROJECT Fine musicians based out of New Orleans, with several CD’s out. Their bassist, James Singleton, is another of my ‘homies’, from Springfield(& Boston) days.
ELEVATOR SHOE Creative blending of styles & genres from this group based out of Spfld IL, and masterminded by Frank Trompeter, whose Jazz Quintet I had the privilege of playing in for 3 years.
FRANK TROMPETER QUARTET Frank’s jazz group, in which I’ve subbed on several occasions.
MICHAEL DARLING Artist, musician, & one of my 2 oldest ‘homies’.
ELVIS HIMSELVIS the one-and-only Rick Dunham as Elvis. A fun show- I’ve played it!
TIM BERENS A Website for Guitarists. Very informative, includes interviews with some of the very best players.

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